

  • You are right that any feature that could interfere with "just writing" should be off by default, but don't let that dissuade you from changing the Math typing behavior in places where we could be able to improving everyone's experience by default! For example, inline Math is still not highlighted, so we can definitely improve on that!.
  • With regard to the added setting complexity: We are already running into space problems because we should implement the settings using Tabbars, but that is something we should be discussing elsewhere (Discord, for example).
  • However, improvements on the technical side are always welcome, even though they don't have priority.
  • Zettlr should always take care to not lose non-technical users, since all they would be left with if Zettlr becomes too complicated would be Word ( 😅).
  • Thanks for opening the issue and wanting to attempt this!Īt this point just a few general thoughts from me: This has some overlap with #1966, but the main idea is different. Do you wish to attempt implementing this yourself? A well thought-out plan of how the necessary coupling should be would be very helpful. Care should be taken so that the maths components are minimally coupled to the main components. This undertaking is non-trivial and potentially involves multiple components. For most users who do not type maths on a regular basis, the global switch checkbox on top remains unchecked, and everything below is greyed out. What remains is a separate setting pane for maths-related options (and options for options), which can be a test for organizational skills. Panels and preview/errors have obvious places to go in the maths-specific popup as well. Also they would not affect normal editing at all (if implemented correctly), so even for maths-heavy users things stay the way they were when not explicitly requested. Since we now have a separate maths-specific input area with its own CodeMirror instance, things like syntax highlighting and keyboard macros are now much easier to deal with. by typing ctrl-$ we open something like a popup area with its own editing area and put the cursor there. The current inline-editing is especially problematic since whereas the editor interprets $\alpha$ as maths, $\alpha and $\alpha $ are not, even though the latter two are unavoidable intermediate states.

    #Zettlr how to#

    The first problem is how to signal to the editor that we want to edit maths. The new functionalities are only active when the switch is on. Example WorkflowĪs I imagine these functionalities would be irrelevant to the great majority of current users, and further they have a considerable learning curve (if we go the AUCTeX way), there should be a global switch defaulting to off, and for the average user Zettlr should continue to work as it is when editing maths. Even better if this proposal can gather comments/critiques that would make the implementation useful for a wider audience. I have taken a quite detailed look at how maths in Zettlr is currently implemented and I think I can implement the above myself. option for autocompleting \psi^ to \psi^, etc.

  • LaTeX-specific options for specific use cases.
  • More powerful, customizable LaTeX-specific autocompletion/keyboard macros (reference: AUCTeX, TeXStudio).
  • For my perhaps niche use case, the following would be huge quality-of-life improvements: I mainly use Zettlr to organize my notes, which are predominantly maths equations (more than 1/3 by character count).
  • I have searched both open and closed issues to see if someone has already proposed this.
  • I have searched the documentation to make sure I did not overlook it.
  • Zettlr's current features cannot be used to approximate this behaviour (otherwise, propose an enhancement instead.).
  • Zettlr does not possess this feature (if it does, but the feature doesn't work out for you, propose an enhancement instead.).

  • Zettlr